Interacting with Tiles

Select a Tile:

Left click the Tile.

Move a Tile:

Select a Tile. Then click and hold a Tile while dragging it to a different location.

Pan the Display:

Left click anywhere on the canvas and drag in a desired direction.

Delete a Tile:

Select a Tile. Then use the 'Delete' key or right-click and delete from the context menu.

Copy a Tile:

Using the Keyboard:

Select a Tile. Use key combination CTRL + C to copy.

On the canvas, hover the cursor where you want the Tile to be placed.

Use key combination CTRL + V to paste the Tile.

Using the Mouse:

Right click on a Tile to open the context menu.

Use the 'Copy' option in the context menu to copy the Tile.

Right click anywhere in the canvas where you need the Tile to be copied to.

In the context menu select the option 'Paste' to paste the Tile.

Zoom In/Out:

Using the Keyboard:

Click anywhere on the display to bring it into focus (if it is not already focused).

Use the key combination CTRL and  +/ - to zoom in or out.

Using the Mouse:

Click anywhere on the display to bring it into focus (if it is not already focused).

Mouse wheel up or down will zoom in or out the display.

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